Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


I know that back pain very well. I usually have a back spasm when things are difficult at work because we spend a lot of time on conference calls (my team is on three different continents) and I slouch in my chair while I’m waiting my turn to be a grouch. The muscles in my back stiffen up, then when I make some seemingly innocent movement they protest by spasming hard and injuring themselves.

You’re right, stretching doesn’t help after a spasm. The damage is already done by then. Stretching seems to be the best way to prevent it from happening though. Since I’ve been going to the gym twice a week and doing the core exercises the trainer recommended my back problems have been much milder, and I haven’t had a good spasm in over a year.


12/06/14 @ 08:40
Comment from: diana [Member]

What do you take or do for it when it happens, Dave?

And you’re right, of course. Preventative maintenance is very important. The older I get, though, the less I stretch and do basic core work, which I’m certain would help the problem if not cure it altogether.


12/06/14 @ 11:03
Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


A few times when I went to the doctor for it he prescribed parafon forte (a muscle relaxant) plus acetaminophen. He said the muscle relaxant improves blood flow and promotes healing in the damaged tissue, and the acetaminophen is for pain. On one occasion he also prescribed Valium to help me sleep. (That was the week my wife passed away, and I was facing a 9 hour drive with a blown out back.) He also recommended moist heat.

Acetaminophen doesn’t do much for me, so I don’t bother going to the doctor any more when this happens. I take aspirin for the pain and use a moist heat pad whenever I can. It helps a lot, especially when trying to sleep. After a few days to a week depending on how I feel I’ll start doing overhead stretches (stand as straight as possible and reach straight up over my head like I’m trying to touch the ceiling ) to try to help the other muscles around my spine stay in shape. I’ve had one or two episodes where by favoring the injured muscle I end up having another one spasm. That royally sucks.


12/06/14 @ 14:22

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