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Comment from: Claire


Kudos on the reaction time! Am thinking of you every day and look forward to reading your blog when you get the chance to post - whether it’s goofy or sobering or just “a day", I appreciate them all.

As for the Underarmor - prices around here are very reasonable… if you need some, let us know the specifics and we can ship some over :)

I’m hoping your time goes by fast and as uneventful as possible.

Take care - Claire

09/17/04 @ 20:01
Comment from: Barbara Black
Barbara Black

Loved the part where Jeff stripped, and nobody paid any attention. (Yes, I remember the MASH show that showed that one.) And I admire your reaction time, even if it IS a “controlled” detonation.

Glad your house wasn’t damaged. Looking forward to your getting back home.

09/18/04 @ 07:21
Comment from: Harris

Ivan has run its course. It was horrible… we lost cable and internet at the house for almost two hours; The Horror!!!!!!! Anyway my I know what you mean about “controlled detonations"; my Father-in-law is visiting and his bowels are giving him (and us) grief. We usually hit the ground around 2000hrs (ususally an hour after dinner). Too bad the Air Force doesn’t issue gas masks in a family plan quantity.

Keep up the good work,

09/20/04 @ 18:54