Comment from: Aunt Bann [Visitor]
Aunt Bann

I’m sitting here, giggling to myself, about the Cinnabon roll. Keep up the diet, and NEVER stop writing!!!! (Love you - and Michelle!)

07/15/15 @ 22:38
Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


I’ve noticed that carbohydrates tend to make me thirsty. Eating pasta, rice, potatoes, or bread (i.e. about 2/3 of my customary diet) makes me want to drink more. When I cut out the carbs, I lose about 3 pounds in the first week, most of which I believe is water that was being retained by the carbs.

(Fun fact: honey makes a good anti-microbial agent because it’s about 50% sugar by weight, and the sugar sucks the moisture right out of any microbe that comes in contact with it, killing it. How often do you see moldy honey?)


07/16/15 @ 11:02

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