Comment from: Mary [Visitor]

Funny, the lyrics that have been going through my head were: “Fire on the mountain, run boys, run…”

And good on ya for taking charge. It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

06/29/12 @ 12:16
Comment from: Becky Kaufman [Visitor]
Becky Kaufman

I can’t imagine the stress you must feel – I’m worried enough about my nephew who is after all 40 and smart enough to take care of himself. But as an artist he could also get so interested in taking pictures of the fires (he’s now about 30 miles north of the fires in Weber Canyon in Mancos). and I personally know that stress causes intestinal distress. Hope the meds work and that you are soon recovered.

06/29/12 @ 12:17
Comment from: diana [Member]

Oh, thanks for that earworm, Mary.


06/29/12 @ 12:23
Comment from: diana [Member]

If I were there, Becky, I’d be carrying my camera with me everywhere, of course. I think I’d spend the time needed to plan and prepare for evacuation, then see what I could do to help. I hate being helpless to help, above all things.


06/29/12 @ 12:32
Comment from: diana [Member]

And thanks to both of you. :)

It’s good to hear your nephew is well, Becky, and out of harm’s way.

I was just reflecting that my second commander (after I was commissioned) made time for his own “officer training sessions,” wherein he brought his Company Grade Officers into his conference room and taught us things he knew we’d need. He did sessions on counselling as a commander–including stuff like “here’s a card with the rights your Airman has; read it to him” and “have the First Shirt stand here and be prepared to catch him if he passes out"–writing performance reports and awards (I was inducted into this Award Writing Team almost immediately, and trained well), and counselling at lower levels, such as a section commander. He chose the scenario he wanted to see each of us perform in. In mine, I had an enlisted troop who was married with children and unable to provide for his family’s needs and wants. He was trying to be everything to his family and to the Air Force and was breaking under the stress.

My instinct was to offer suggestions, to give him rational ways to solve his problem. My commander watched the whole thing and pointed out that I clearly have the need to help, to solve problems. In this case, however, what my Airman needed most was just for me to listen, and I wasn’t very good at that.

He was right.

He was also, I was to learn as I progressed, a very rare commander indeed.


06/29/12 @ 12:41
Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


Listening’s a hard skill to learn if you’re not born with it. But learn it we must, sometimes.

I’m glad your house is out of harm’s way. I’ve been wondering about that for most of the week. Then your blog went dark yestrday and I feared the worst. (I’m an engineer. Thinking about “what’s the worst that can happen?” is part of the job.)


06/29/12 @ 14:41
Comment from: Aunt Bann [Visitor]
Aunt Bann

Diana, I’ve also been wondering how close the fires are getting. Hope that Mich and the house are still standing together when the fires are finally out!!!

I couldn’t see the other pics, but the ones on this post are enough to make me worry. Take care, Dear One. And congratulations on the new job!!!

06/29/12 @ 15:27

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