Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


I read a comment somwhere that said the Kindle (actually e-readers in general) don’t replace books, they replace bookshelves. Paper books aren’t going away, but electronic books are coming with me when I travel light.

I get you when you say you still want to be able to write in a book. I’d love to be able to underline or highlight lines in books on my Nook.

But until then, I’m still happy that I can read a 900-page historical novel without getting a hand cramp.


04/26/11 @ 12:07
Comment from: Aunt Bann [Visitor]
Aunt Bann

As much as I love to read, I probably should get a Kindle for myself, but when I’m not at home, I usually have a book with me, anyway. And I usually also have a notebook to write in, too. But I’m sure that, one of these days, I WILL end up with a kindle to read – and save – some of my favorite books and/or writers.

And you, of course, will always be one of my favorite writers!!!

04/26/11 @ 16:31

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