Comment from: Lorraine [Visitor]

No, no, no.
Not “never be able to” but “didn’t get in that time.” Just because one jealous jerk was able to block your dream, which is obviously your calling, doesn’t mean you will never be able to do it. You didn’t fail, you just haven’t succeeded yet. BIG difference.
Besides, you ARE a writer.

Writing is like sex, it doesn’t get more enjoyable because you get paid for it…..and getting paid for it doesn’t make you a “real” writer. Van Gough didn’t make much money from painting. Are you going to tell me that means he never was an artist?

Fess up. You are a writer, MFA or not.


10/14/10 @ 01:12
Comment from: Aunt Bann [Visitor]
Aunt Bann

I agree, TOTALLY, with Lorraine! You ARE a writer, and because one jerk says you can’t write is NOT a reason to not do so!!! (Wonder what HIS writing reads like?)

Remember that many people READ your writings, and enjoy them! Don’t our opinions count???

The only way to get published, though, is to publish. Either send something in to editors (over and over, to different ones, if necessary), or publish it yourself. (And, in case you are not aware of it, YOU ARE PUBLISHING, right here on your blog!!! So go ahead; write something, figure out where you would absolutely LOVE to have it published, and send it to them. They can only say yes or no, right? If they say yes, you have accomplished that goal; if they say no, send it to the next one on your list. Keep sending it out!!!

Good luck! I know you can eventually rub your success in that person’s face!

10/14/10 @ 11:42

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