Comment from: Becky [Visitor]

Hi Cuz, thanks for the plug and the kind words. :) I studied Economics, but my degree is in Business.

That latest post was a jab at the Democrat LEADERS who can’t seem to pay their taxes correctly. I have more confidence in the “regular folks” like you and me. I was happy to see Rangel FINALLY step down from his committee chairmanship, but he should be excoriated.

We just met with our tax preparer last night, and I’m NOT in a very good mood about the subject. If we used the tax structure in the article I linked to, we wouldn’t even NEED a tax preparer.

In the meantime, I bow to you, Oh Metaphor Queen! Maybe some day I can be an Analogy Princess?

Luv U!

03/05/10 @ 10:58

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