Archives for: "September 2013"

creepy stuff

this post not inspired by the upcoming creepy holiday A friend of ours, Kath, reported the following on Facebook today:   Kath: There is a vortex of evil over our house. My ceiling fan light turns on and off and flickers, just like in Poltergeist… more »

just another rant about how amazing my students are

My literature students are working on their first paper for me at the moment. This is not even a major paper. It's a starter paper, so I get an idea where they are, where they excel, and where they need help, appropriately called an "Informal Writing" a… more »

michelle is officially a dependent! (i think)

Today, 3 September 2013, was the first day we military perverts could get our same-sex spouses official dependent ID cards. Mich and I had an appointment for 3:30. It was only that late because I taught today and couldn't get away to pick her up at the… more »