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Comment from: Hinermad


I assumed the nonsensical alcohol laws were developed by people who:

1) Had no clue about how alcohol is produced, transported, sold, consumed, and abused, and

2) Were convinced (by themselves or by lobbyists) they HAD to do something about it.

The latter is a common problem among legislators, even (or especially) among well-meaning ones. They sense a problem, they want to help, but the only power they have to do so is to pass a law. Which isn’t always the best answer.

And then there’s the former condition. There are plenty of people who are ready to “educate” their representatives with their version of the truth. They say “the world is run by people who show up.” Unfortunately the people who take the time to show up usually have an agenda to push.


03/27/06 @ 19:51
Comment from: Jeff

We’ve only got a few goofy liquor-based laws here.

First is that you can only buy liquor until 8:00PM on weekdays, and 10:00PM on Fridays and Saturdays, and not at all on Sunday.

Second is that you can only buy “3.2″ beer in convenience stores. No other alcohols. And still not on Sunday.

Restaurants and bars are differently governed; this is just liquor store sales I’m talking of.

While it’s not particularly weird for a municipality to limit their liquor sales, these are state-wide laws. Here in the metro area, it’s almost laughable ‘cause it’s a twenty-minute drive to Wisconsin, in case you forgot something at the booze-n-go, and they sell until 1:00AM every day. Every day. And they don’t sell “3.2″ beer–I don’t think anywhere else does. For those of you curious, that means 3.2% alcohol by volume. Normal beer is 5-7%, so they cut it in about half. Whee.

So here’s what I think Minnesota is missing out on; all alcohol sales after 8:00PM weekdays, and 10:00PM weekends, and all day Sunday. It’s not like one can’t stock up for those extra hours, or make the short trek across the river. Sure on the other side of the state they can’t go to Wisconsin so easily, but they can go to one of the Dakotas…

03/30/06 @ 13:07
Comment from:

I was thinking the other day that perhaps I’m not terribly opposed to laws that limit alcohol sale times. I used to work in a liquor store in Colorado, and we made absolutely no sales after midnight. That seems reasonable to me. Why? Because how many sober people are out in the wee hours looking for booze? None after 8pm, though? I don’t know. There comes a point that you’re just being non-Puritan about the whole thing. The law about no booze on Sundays, of course, is strictly based on Christian horror that anyone might do something they disapprove of on their sabbath.

There was an amusing map in one of the temperance yearbooks I was looking through. The dry areas were always white and the wet areas, black ("Make the map all white!"). This one had a map of the US with a few tiny black dots scattered over it, with lots of arrows coming from the white areas to the black dots. It was depicting the source of the ongoing alcohol problem even in dry areas, and therefore the flow of the money.


03/30/06 @ 19:31