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Comment from:

Aw now. They’re supposed to be (relatively) harmless (except for the “warhead” section of his site, I mean).

I was under the impression that you were mid-tour. Welcome back home. Isn’t it amazing, after four months (?) at Balad, how even normal air–air that doesn’t smell like a burning garbage pile tempered with parfum de l’outhouse, I mean–is a thing of joy? :)


07/09/05 @ 14:16
Comment from:


Welcome. And thanks for the compliment. That means I accomplished at least one of my goals.

I know what you mean about everything seeming so incredibly precious when you first get back to civilization. I swear…each crust of bread I ate in freedom, each time I pulled on a pair of blue jeans, and when my dog nosed me because he wanted attention…it was all very special and very intense for me for quite some time. It’s rather like graduating boot camp, isn’t it? Only far more intense.

I still jump/jerk when I hear a muffled thud of that just-right intensity, though. I’m not sure if that will ever go away. How frequent/intense are the nightmares?

My GAL address is under Phylis. It’s my AF name. ;) But you’ve thanked me enough. I’m pleased to have provided some needed help.


07/09/05 @ 20:43