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Comment from: Hinermad


I’ll bet you love getting phone calls nowadays.

“There’s a slot open in the next SOS flight. You want it?”

“You’re the Chief of AFNOSC-NOD now.”

Well, okay, I guess the email from the Academy wasn’t too shabby, either.

It’s none of my business, but how long have you been in the service?


08/21/05 @ 08:22
Comment from:

That’s a question I’m never sure how to answer, because I usually end up offering TMI.

I enlisted in ‘86, served 4 years active duty, then went into the Colorado Air National Guard for 4.5 years, after which I did an additional 3 years and change as Inactive Reserve. Then I was civilian for about three years, then came back to go through OTS. I was commissioned in Jan 2001. I have about nine years that count toward retirement, and almost 16 (next month) that count for pay purposes.

See? TMI. :)

Maybe “on and off for 19 years” would have been sufficient. Except that makes people think I really know my stuff and understand the AF. What they miss is that I was enlisted during the Cold War, and that was a different AF altogether than the highly civilianized and outsourced Expeditionary Air Force we have now.


08/21/05 @ 11:46
Comment from: Hinermad


Your timeline isn’t so hard to understand. Dad did something similar. He got credit for 20 years at retirement, but he did only 19.5 years of active duty. Then when he came home we gave him an ulcer so he got out of his inactive reserve obligation after about 3 years.


08/21/05 @ 20:01
Comment from: Rick H
Rick H

So now you are my boss. Very cool. We need the energy and intelligence level you will bring to AFNOSC NOD(smooch, smooch, lips now disingaged). Hurry back.

08/22/05 @ 08:48
Comment from:

Hey, Rick. I’m YOUR boss? That doesn’t seem right. But then, I never can seem to remember which contractor works for whom. I was once naive enough to think you worked for whoever ran the section you sat in, but found that wasn’t the case. Now I’m just confused. I cope by going to the person I think should be able to help me, and if they aren’t the person I need or they don’t support the function I think they do, they always tell me where to go.

Can you do me a favor? I have my annual dental checkup the first thing Monday morning, so I won’t be in to work until after that (whenever that’ll be). Can you scribble onto the board that I’m at the dentist (after SOS), pretty please? ETA: 1000.

Thanky. :)


08/23/05 @ 09:36
Comment from: Rick H
Rick H

Consider it done.

08/23/05 @ 10:27
Comment from: Hinermad


I hope you’re not inheriting a nightmare with your new job:



08/23/05 @ 12:08
Comment from:

Oh wow, Dave. Thanks for the heads up. Frightening.

This, just after Bank of America OOPS! accidentally misplaced a couple of account information backup tapes (I think that’s what it was) a couple of months back. Nothing has come of it, but ye gods. What’s the matter with people?


08/23/05 @ 16:31
Comment from: Hinermad


What’s the matter with people? Profit motive. Security, like insurance, is a lousy investment. Until you need it.

I think I remember the incident you’re talking about. Is that the one where UPS couldn’t find the tapes? Something like 1.2 million subscriber records were involved.

Now, if every one of those subscribers could ding the bank for $20 each, you can bet they’d pay better attention to how those tapes are handled.


08/23/05 @ 18:43
Comment from:

:) Ding the bank. I love it. Great idea. It’ll never catch on, but it’s great.


08/25/05 @ 18:28