Comment from: Aunt Bann [Visitor]
Aunt Bann

Well,I clicked on the link, but nothing came up—not even a circle! And I waited - and waited - and waited. (Since I’m on dial-up, I’m used to waiting.) However, nothing came up. So will let the story rest for now; maybe I’ll find it somewhere else sometime.

Keep writing, dear one. I love to read what you think!!!

10/26/12 @ 21:29
Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


Nobody in that story really comes out as a hero in the traditional sense, not even Lamb. He’s lazy, selfish, and cowardly - the opposite of everything we want our leaders to be - and yet he achieved the highest rank and still retired to a life of worthlessness.

It’s a great story for showing the futility of ambition. As someone who’s dropped out of the rat race, I loved it. But to someone who still believes in hard work and advancement I can see where it might be taken as an uncomfortable truth, or an insult.

Then again, some people excel at finding insult where none is intended, or even present. We all have a thin skin sometimes.


P.S. Ms. Bann, the file Diana linked to is a large PDF file. I’ve clipped out the relevant story and put it in a text file here:


10/27/12 @ 08:25
Comment from: Aunt Bann [Visitor]
Aunt Bann

Thanks, Hinermad. I enjoyed the story. But, then, I love all of Heinlein’s stories that I have had the opportunity to read. Someone in my family introduced his writing to me, years and years ago, and I’ve never been disappointed!

10/27/12 @ 16:56
Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


Off topic… but that’s a nice picture of you up there in the corner.


11/03/12 @ 13:37
Comment from: diana [Member]

Thank you, Dave! That’s me and Coffee, the pibble, about three weeks ago. :)


11/03/12 @ 14:11
Comment from: Daddy [Visitor]

PD, I am not military (as you know), but When I read that book so many years ago, I don’t want to remember, I saw the whole book through the ‘farmer eyes’, and I understood it as such. I don’t, however, recall if that is as clear in this episode as it is in the book as a whole. That may have been a sticker for some ‘touchy-feely’ people.

12/10/12 @ 15:27
Comment from: Ken Ahlberg [Visitor]
Ken Ahlberg

I have read this book several times over the years. The first time was when I was about 13 years old and I am now 47. Being neither a farmer or a military person, but who’s father was both, I never had any trouble with the meaning of this story.

I believe there are people in every profession who are willing and eager to innovate, surrounded by the vast majority of those who never consider moving beyond the status-quo. I always understood this story to be a parable about using your brain over using your brawn.

I explain it to my students as the choice of being stupid and lazy and being smart and lazy. Stupid-lazy is repeating patterns that are ultimately self-defeating whereas smart-lazy completes what must be done the most efficient way, allowing for more “free time.”

I have tried to explain this to people over the years and have discovered that either they get it, or are stuck on the perceived negative term “Lazy.”

07/20/13 @ 00:40
Comment from: Robert [Visitor]

I see I am very late to this party but your friends OBVIOUSLY missed the whole point of the story:

The point of the story was he did things because he *thought* they would be easier and each time he “moved up” he realized afterward it was NOT easier. THAT WAS THE POINT. ;)

Still, he kept moving up trying to find an easier life. After he got exactly what he wanted he found that being a PBY pilot was the hardest job he ever had! So he invented the autopilot which lead to even longer hours and more desk work. (and if you know your history autopilot work drove computer development – Spaceships are not flown with stick and throttle)

After a lifetime of success and making the world a better place all driven by attempts to make his own life easier he ultimately reached his goal only in retirement.

I don’t know what story Hinermind read either. Lamb was never a coward and in his search for an easier life, he created an entirely new technology and an entirely new industry that is ubiquitous in aviation today and will soon be coming to road vehicles.

02/23/22 @ 10:54

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