« Reality CheckOff to war...kinda »


Comment from: Helen F. Black-Pace
Helen F. Black-Pace

Diana!! That is just not right!!! Don’t leave us haning.. well. obviously you are there, but, I need the rest of the story!
Love ya

08/21/04 @ 23:21
Comment from: Barbara Black
Barbara Black

LOVE it! Thanks for sharing so much of the lovely detail. Sounds just like you were sitting here talking to us! Keep it up, D!

08/22/04 @ 07:24
Comment from: LynneSargent

And you said that I gripe with flair? I just wish this was all fiction.

08/24/04 @ 18:33
Comment from: Phil

girl you are having far too much there…………. phil

08/24/04 @ 22:58
Comment from: SSgt Mong
SSgt Mong

I wish I could remember my trip back to the states from Spain one time…you’d cringe at some of the stuff we (my husband Bobby and I) went through on that trip. I couldn’t write such a detailed description of what we went through, like you did.

08/27/04 @ 23:10