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Comment from: Maj B Anders (A.K.A. Catch22)
Maj B Anders (A.K.A. Catch22)


Is that you? Just was doing some surfing and ran accross some of your thoughts. Glad to see you are home safe. HAve to run. Take care.

Maj A

05/05/05 @ 05:50
Comment from:

Maj Anders!

I have a cunning plan…. ;) Indeed ’tis me. Good to see you’re doing well. I assume you’re home now, as well…? (Or maybe I shouldn’t assume.)


05/05/05 @ 15:48
Comment from: Hinermad


Thanks for taking some of your precious “summer break” time to fill us in. I figured the lack of updates was due to a hectic schedule. Either that or you were spending all your time playing online poker.

I’m glad they’ve seen fit to provide you with a major to take some of the load off of you. (Grin) They must think you’re pretty valuable.

That Network Ops job sounds fascinating - being in the middle of a hive of busy data bees, but not being directly responsible if something breaks. Sounds like my kinda job.

Have you heard any more from the Academy? How would taking the Net Ops job affect your plan for teaching there?


05/05/05 @ 17:02
Comment from:

Hi, Dave.

Poker? You’re a funny man. :) If you have some tips for how I can keep them from spamming my blog several times a week, let me know. All I can do right now is go purge all their trackbacks and pings every three or four days.

I have two more things to complete on my application package, and will be sending it NLT COB tomorrow. Then I’ll hear something from them, I reckon. I am still corresponding with the personnel officer there regularly. I almost feel like we’re pen pals now.

Where I get the position or not, I’m still here at beautiful Gunter for another year. The Stan/Eval job will be here, basically telling other people how to do a job I can do in my sleep. This is a job where you get extra points for being incredibly anal. I was made for this job. ;)


05/05/05 @ 18:50
Comment from: Hinermad


I wasn’t going to say anything about the spam because it’s a bad idea to encourage hecklers by recognizing them. But now I get the feeling that it’s some sort of mass posting. I wish I had some suggestions for how to deal with it, but Web programming is way beyond me.

Sounds like maybe taking that Net Ops job is a good idea. Gives you a chance to practice being a fussbudget before being called up to the Big Leagues. (Grin)

The Wingman Call sounds like a good idea. I wonder if you got tapped for it -because- of the blog. You’ve already shown that you’re willing to talk about “life in its mundane glory.” (You better trademark that, BTW.) I think unrealistic expectations are a big cause of stress. (So is being shot at, but there’s not a lot you can do about that.) Letting people know what to expect will help.


05/05/05 @ 19:21
Comment from: Jeff

I’m trying to do something about the SPAM, too… The other blog software is also plagued with SPAM abuse. I’m looking into what it would take to write as neat a system as this. Neat as in clean, not neat as in nifty…

I think one way is to disallow comments that have any URLs in them…hmm…

Keep on the anti-spam…I updated it for you; it hadn’t been done since mid-April.

05/10/05 @ 20:34