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Comment from: Hinermad


I think you had to explain to me what Vitamin M was once before. I don’t usually think of it because we don’t keep it around here. I use aspirin, Roberta uses Aleve, and we have Tylenol for the kids.

Heh, severed limbs. “‘Tis naught but a flesh wound!”

Do you suppose it’s a change in stride that’s allowing you to run without aggravating your heel? Some things just seem to work better when done at the proper speed. Like riding a motorcycle.

Good job on picking up the pace. We all need to push forward, don’t we? Otherwise we stagnate.


03/20/06 @ 18:36

Some time ago I stopped running. Wish I never had. I wasn’t into it, but it was easy enough when I did it just ‘cause…and hitting 15 minutes (or whatever seemingly leisurely time it was) for the mile and a half in the USAF was easy enough.

Shortly after I returned from service I found that I’d run out of running friends, and also self-motivation for the same. Without someone watching my waist for me, I let it slide.

Now I struggle to beat the eliptical machine for an hour. At least it isn’t the case that I’m heavily breathing just ‘cause of a flight of stairs.

That’s a hard hrose to get back on. Don’t hurt yourself, or otherwise slide, such that it’s a burden to get back to what seemed so easy once upon a time.

03/20/06 @ 22:32