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Comment from: Rick Hayslip
Rick Hayslip

yipes! kinda depressing lt. But it will get better…right?……right? hang tough.

08/26/04 @ 19:47
Comment from: Caison Whatley
Caison Whatley

Lt. I just found out about this site today. They have hid it from me for a reason. They knew i would do exactly what I did today and that is read the whole thing non-stop. I love it. You are a great story teller and I cant wait for the next. Tell Eric that at his house he has “Gypsies in the Palace", but we are taking care of it. Stay safe. Later

08/26/04 @ 21:41
Comment from: David George
David George

As Caison mentioned I did not know this site was here. I read all entries today as well. Sounds like you are having a great time! Hope you find your stuff. If you get bored in the sand we can always resume our philosophical debate. Keep up with the great stories. You have a way with the written word. Plus, I enjoy your neverending sarcasm. Later!

08/27/04 @ 00:23
Comment from: Barbara Black
Barbara Black

Sitting here at my computer, after 11 pm, reading your “neverending story", I have to laugh and smile. Your truly DO have a way with words, and you know exactly how to turn a phrase so that it comes out funny. Keep up the good work, Dear!

08/28/04 @ 08:29