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Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


Glad to see you’re holding up well. I figured the end of the semester and the holidays would be a busy time, so I wasn’t too worried about the long dry spell.

I’m starting to look into continuing my education. I’ve got a lot more time on my hands these days. (Not for the reason I’d prefer, though.)

Sounds like your Scheduling Fairy has waved her magic wand once again. Not many people appreciate the Pentagon’s belt-tightening efforts. Enjoy it while you can!

If you get tired of the snow, feel free to FedEx some our way. We’ve had maybe 3 inches all season. There were actually bugs flying around outside the house on Christmas Day. I’m waiting for a good freeze so I can knock the hornets’ nest down out of the tree out front.


12/31/06 @ 14:13
Comment from: [Member]


I was going to lightly ask why you suddenly find yourself with so much time on your hands, then I thought I should just check your blog and see what’s been going on.

I’m so terribly sorry. I don’t know what to say. There’s never anything to say, really. I’m suddenly utterly deflated as if I had had the pleasure of knowing your wife, which of course I didn’t. Please accept my sincere condolences.

That sounds corny and worthless, too.

How are you bearing up?


EDITED TO ADD: I took the time to read the whole thing thoroughly, so I now know how you’re bearing up and what you’re dealing with–far more than you should need to. It sounds like some people…well, nevermind. People are vicious, and rarely do they understand much of anything about the complexities of others’ relationships. FWIW, Dave…you have always and continue to strike me as a helluva man.

12/31/06 @ 18:33
Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


Thank you, my friend. I didn’t want to burden your blog with my personal drama, so thanks for taking the time to read mine. Yes it’s been hard, but the family (especially Roberta’s sisters, my daughters’ men, and a long-lost friend) have all come together to help lift us up.

Viciousness had nothing to do with anything that’s happened, except for the mindless viciousness of the cancer that took Roberta. Nobody set out to hurt anyone intentionally. There’s some comfort to be had from knowing that.

Don’t worry about sounding corny and worthless. What you say doesn’t matter nearly as much as the fact that you’re willing to say it. Family is sort of obligated to be nice at a time like this; true friends reach out even if they don’t have to.

Please don’t let my sorry tale drag you down. We’ll survive; the healing has already begun. But you’ve got so much to look forward to, it’s almost like you have a charmed life. (Although I suspect the “charm” in your life is focus and hard work.) Rejoice in your success, because we your friends rejoice with you.


P.S. I’m now in the novel (for me) situation of having to meet people for companionship. Any advice would be welcome! D.

12/31/06 @ 19:50
Comment from: [Member]


My first advice would be to not stay at home on New Year’s Eve. :) (Doh!)

Somehow, I think you’ll have no problems meeting someone, unless you’re very different in person than you are online. I really don’t think you are, though. I’m not sure why I think that, even. I’ve met many people online then later in person, and have developed a sense for it, I suppose.

I’ve only ever fallen truly, madly, deeply when I wasn’t looking. So…take your time, do what you love, and when you least expect it, you’ll meet someone who shares your passion. In short, the best way to meet the right person is to lose interest in meeting someone and take care of yourself and your family. It’s counterintuitive but effective.

Charmed life? :D Nah. I’ve been raked through the coals more times than I’d wish to count. I think I’m just on one of the “payback” periods right now. It gets better, it gets worse, and it gets better…fairly regularly, like the tides. I count on that, me. When it’s good, I enjoy (because there’s nothing worse than being in a bad time and realizing you didn’t enjoy the good when you had it). When it’s bad, I enjoy the best I can (habit formed in good times ;)), and look forward to the inevitable rise in fortune.

And just to stack my deck, “rise in fortune” can mean lots of things, and rarely has anything to do with money.


12/31/06 @ 20:37
Comment from: [Member]

A propos of nothing, I just found this site (Top 10 Worst Domain Names). OK, it’s a blog with a list, but check it out. None of us has too much humor in our lives.



12/31/06 @ 20:48
Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


I should learn to listen to myself more often. The advice you gave me (take your time, do what you love, meet someone who shares your passion) is exactly what I tell other people. Duh. (For youngsters who aren’t sure what they love yet, I try to nudge them toward volunteer work. You meet people who are a little more interested in others that way.) I’m thinking that going back to school might be good for more than just an education. Like I told my daughter this evening, it might be a way to kill two birds with one stone. (Roberta’s high school nickname was Bird. It’s a joke - lighten up!)

I like your style for weathering the changes. I need to work on that more. In fact, I’m working on it as we speak.

Thanks for the list! I knew of Power-Gen Italia from my previous career in the power industry. And I saw the IP Anywhere name when I was looking for a may to track my dynamic IP address. But they’re certainly funnier when you see them in the list with the other names.

Thanks again, for everything!


12/31/06 @ 21:41
Comment from: [Member]

So they ARE real domain names. Now the question is, did they go for the double entendre on purpose?

What are you thinking of going back to school for?


12/31/06 @ 21:51
Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


First things first: Happy New Year!

Grrr. I had a nice piece about what I want to do when I grow up, but it keeps getting rejected. I want to finish a BSEE. State University of NY offers an online EE program.


P.S. Sorry for the test - my orignal comment was rejected. Thought it might have been a Y2.007k bug. D.

01/01/07 @ 08:24
Comment from: [Member]

Happy New Year back at you! I’m off to Denver to participate in a friend’s “Latkepaloosa” today. This should be a cultural treat.

Y2.007k bug. Cute. :)

I probably blocked some common word again in my spam-blocking frenzy yesterday. *sigh*


01/01/07 @ 12:12
Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


“Latkepalooza"? Sounds delicious.

I swear I didn’t try to say anything about stocks, physical enhancement, weight loss, or online degrees.

Well, maybe I did mention an online degree. (Grin)


01/01/07 @ 12:16
Comment from: baldbantam [Visitor]


You don’t know me, but I am a regular reader of diana’s blog and internet postings, and so I’ve been reading your comments along the way as well for the past while.

For what it’s worth, I just wanted to express my condolences for your loss as well. As diana said, it’s difficult to think of anything to say that doesn’t sound trite, but just know that a guy in England is sending good wishes your way.



01/06/07 @ 09:09
Comment from: Hinermad [Visitor]


Thank you. I’ll take friends wherever I can find them. (Grin)


01/06/07 @ 11:07

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